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Need help applying for PIP or ESA?

Applying for benefits can be a bit confusing. It can even seem a bit overwhelming.

C-App can help.

Help preparing for ESA

This site covers Employment and Support Allowance, the benefit for people who can't work because of illness or disability.

In some areas Universal Credit is replacing new claims for ESA. Check here to find out what to claim.

Help preparing for PIP

This site covers Personal Independence Payment, the benefit for people of working age who have a long term health problem or a disability, to help meet the extra costs they face.

These sites will help you learn more so you:

You can also practice, at your own pace, the sort of questions you'll be asked. This will help you:

These sites have been brought to you by seAp, an independent charity that provides free and confidential advocacy services, and has been developed by Neontribe.